So, we got some snow. Ok, maybe a lot of snow. Navead got a snow day from work and braved rather treacherous roads to come up and play some scrabble, take a nap, and make gingerbread cookies.

We tried to play in the snow, but I got stuck in four foot drift and decided I had amassed the appropriate amount of snow in boots to call it a day. Apparently, the rest of the state felt similarly, because by 5pm nearly every big road on this side of Colorado was closed; only seven miles of I-25 remained open in the entire state. Hundreds of flights have been cancelled and an alarming number of holiday travels are stuck in the airport. The governor has actually asked people to stay home.

This storm is certainly frustrating a lot of people's plans, but tucked in safe at home I'm really enjoying it. We've got food and hot cocoa, games, movies, and yoga mats for a little morning exercise. Yeah for the Holiday Blizzard!


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